On 20 January 2021, a live online forum was held to engage the Muslim community in Singapore on the national COVID-19 vaccination programme.
Singapore's Deputy Mufti, Dr Mohammad Hannan Hassan, Fatwa Committee member Ustaz Fathurrahman Dawoed, and medical expert Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Dr Nurhidayati Mohamed Suphan were the panelists for the evening, offering a comprehensive discussion with both medical and religious perspectives to concerns that have been raised.
Irsyad on COVID-19 Vaccine: https://www.muis.gov.sg/officeofthemufti/Irsyad/Part-11-Religious-position-on-COVID-19-vaccine-English
[English subtitles available] Watch all the video highlights from the forum in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwd2Cf0JWDO4HlOpaSUHKEbUnMNAFjnc4
The full forum in Malay can be found here: https://youtu.be/twkLGE7LhtM
Pada 20 Januari 2021, sebuah forum yang disiarkan secara langsung diadakan untuk mendampingi masyarakat Islam di Singapura mengenai program vaksinasi COVID-19 negara.
Timbalan Mufti, Dr Mohammad Hannan Hassan, Ahli Jawatankuasa Fatwa, Ustaz Fathurrahman Dawoed, serta serta Konsultan Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan Dr Nurhidayati Mohamed Suphan turut menyertai forum tersebut. Perbincangan tertumpu kepada keprihatinan berhubung vaksin COVID-19 dari perspektif perubatan dan agama.
Irsyad mengenai Vaksin COVID-19: https://www.muis.gov.sg/officeofthemufti/Irsyad/Part-11-Religious-position-on-COVID-19-vaccine-Malay
Tontoni forum lengkap di sini: https://youtu.be/twkLGE7LhtM
Short video series by Tamil-speaking imams with religious messages and words of support to help our Muslim foreign workers manage their religious life during this pandemic period. Stay tuned weekly for new videos on SalamSG TV! :)
#salamsgtv #currentaffairs
Tune Islam is a podcast for Singapore Muslim Millennials on Islamic faith, love, and happiness. Listen and learn from our asatizah from Asatizah Youth Network (AYN) and get inspired to live a more positive life and to boost our spiritual well-being.
A series on Quran & Ramadan, featuring Mufti of Singapore, Ustaz Dr Nazirudin Mohd Nasir, and Ustaz Syazwan Elrani from the Asatizah Youth Network (AYN).
(Production of Muslim.Sg, 2019)
Discover Deeper Into Dua, a captivating YouTube Shorts series that explores the profound meanings behind daily duas.
Each video uncovers the spiritual depth of these supplications, helping you internalise their essence and strengthen your connection.
Perfect for enriching your prayer life and bringing new dimensions to your devotions. Dive in and transform your understanding of duas.
Short video series by Bengali-speaking imams with religious messages and messages of support to help our Muslim foreign workers manage their religious life during this pandemic period. Stay tuned weekly for new videos on SalamSG TV! :)
#salamsgtv #currentaffairs