While our mosques may be closed, they are actively preparing for re-opening on 27 Mar 2020 with enhanced measures in place. Nevertheless, we have received feedback from working jemaah such as taxi, private hire and delivery drivers and riders that they face problems finding a place to pray during their work hours.
Our mosques will continue to remain closed for 14 days to break the cycle of transmission. However, from Monday 23 Mar to Thursday 26 Mar, we will provide small spaces at a few mosques for members of the public to perform individual Zohor and Asar prayers, between 1.15pm and 6pm.
We will provide space for a maximum of 20 individuals at a time. Individuals who wish to perform prayers must bring their own personal prayer items (prayer mat, telekung for ladies) and will undergo temperature checks, health declaration and contact tracing. No congregational prayers will be conducted, and safe distancing will be maintained between each individual.
We wish to emphasise that only a small area of the mosques will be accessible to the public, and this is strictly for the purpose of individual prayers. The areas used for this purpose will be sanitised regularly. Aside from this, our mosques remain fully closed.
We hope this small measure over the next few days will help ease the challenges faced by some members of our community who, because of the nature of their job, have difficulty finding a place to pray. We thank the community for their understanding and unwavering support in making the necessary adjustments to keep our mosques safe spaces.
Meanwhile, our mosques continue to provide online kuliah for all congregants. You may find available kuliah at the following link: go.gov.sg/onlinekuliah