Positive Parenting, Empowering Families

Excerpt taken from Family Seminar 2021 organised by Muis and Families For Life
by Muslim.Sg 2022-01-30 • 4 min read
Muslim.Sg is a Muslim lifestyle platform that aims to deepen your understanding of faith, in collaboration with the Asatizah Youth Network (AYN). We are part of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis).
2022-01-30 • 4 min read

Empowering Families through Positive Parenting

Last Dec, Muis in collaboration with Families for Life organised a family seminar for parents with pre-school children. With guest-of-honour, Assoc Prof Dr Faishal Ibrahim, the seminar touched on issues about positive parenting in Islam, mental wellness as well as screen times for children.

The online seminar received positive public response with over 200 registrants. 

Guest speakers from Various Institutions

There were three breakout rooms held during the session, addressing three different aspects of parenting.

  1. Kids' Screen Time - Mr Ahmad Taufiq Muhammad (Accredited Triple P Practitioner)
  2. Emotional Resilience - Ms Hilyah Saparin (Division Director (Specialist), AMKFSC, Accredited Triple P Practitioner)
  3. Positive Parenting in Islam - Ustaz Mohammed Nazim Rahuma Dulla (Naib Kadi and Freelance Islamic Educator)

Summarised points

View snippets from the seminar in the short videos below:

1. Q&A


2. Summary


The event was also supported by ROMM, M3 and Our Mosques. 

For more information on the initatives:

  • Cinta Abadi  Enrichment Programme (MSF)

Cinta Abadi Enrichment programme sets the stage for married couples to learn and discover more about themselves and their partners. Through a variety of interactive activities, you will think through issues in a marriage and learn about effective communication and managing expectations and challenges in marriage. Any interested couple can contact these 2 mosques: 

  1. Masjid An-Nur
  2. Masjid Darul Ghufran
  • Project ARIF (Muis)

Newly-wed couples will receive religious, marital, medical and parenting guidance from a team of Naib Kadi (deputy marriage solemnisers of Muslim marriages) and mosque personnel, as well as healthcare professionals from KKH in the first two years of their marriage. Any interested couple can approach their Naib-Kadi for referral.

  • Kelas MateMatika (KMM) (Mendaki)

A parent and child online programme that promotes the learning of basic numeracy through games. This prog is for families with children aged between 4-6 years old. For more info, click here.

  • Triple P (MSF)

The Positive Parenting Programme (Triple P) is an evidence-based programme that equips parents with techniques to promote their children’s (aged up to 16 years) psychological, social and emotional competence. Triple P is built on a tiered system that provides different degrees of parental support. For more info, click here.

  • Kidstart Programme (ECDA)

Kidstart work with partners to support families with child development, coordinate and strengthen holistic support where needed, and help monitor that their child learns and grows up well from birth through the preschool years (0-6years old). For more info, click here.

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