Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. describes Ramadan as the month of Rahmah (Mercy). Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah s.w.t. for all the blessings that He has bestowed upon us, for yet again, we are able to welcome Ramadan this year and reap the benefits in store this month, Insya’Allah.
One of the biggest blessings ever bestowed to Muslims in the month of Ramadan is the observance and the encouragement of congregational prayers (Solat Jama’ah).
We can see that, for years, our mosque officers have been very busy preparing for this month and our mosques have never failed to provide and lead the Tarawih prayers. Some mosques even planned for Qiyamullail (Night Vigil) prayers, especially when we were approaching the last ten nights of Ramadan.
For years, Allah s.w.t. has given us opportunities to practise the congregational prayer i.e. during the performance of Friday prayers, other daily fardhu (obligatory) prayers and also the sunnah (recommended) Tarawih prayers in our mosques.
The congregational Solat is sunnah muakkadah (highly commendable) or even fardhu kifayah (communal obligation) according to some scholars.
Here are 3 things we should know about how to pray congregational prayers at home:
When becoming the Imam for your family, you may include the word ‘Imaman’ in your intentions when you are about to commence your prayers, for example:
In Subuh prayer
أُصَلِّي فَرْضَ الْصُبْحِ رَكَعَتَيْنِ إِمَاماً للهِ تَعَالَى
Transliteration guide: “Usolli fardhos sub-hi rok-’ataini imaman lillaahi ta’ala”.
Translation: “I intend to pray Fardhu subuh two raka’at as the Imam for the sake Allah ta’ala”.
If you are the makmum (follower), you may include the word ‘Makmuman’ in your intentions before commencing your prayers as indicated below:
أُصلِّيْ فَرْضَ الصُّبْحِ رَكْعَتَيْنِ مَأْمُوماً لِلّهِ تَعَالَى
Transliteration guide: “Usolli fardhos sub-hi rok-’ataini makmuman lillaahi ta’ala”.
Translation: “I intend to pray Fardhu Subuh two raka’at as the makmum for the sake of Allah ta’ala”.
The following illustrations will guide us in praying Jema’ah (in congregation) at home:
Do note that the illustrations above are for ideal situations. However, if we were to face space constraints in our house, then it is fine for us not to follow the illustrations above so long as the following conditions are met:
1. The Imam leading the prayer is in front,
2. Followed by male congregants who stand slightly behind the Imam
3. Followed by female congregants
If the congregation is made up of two individuals e.g. husband and wife, and you are having space constraints in your house, then it is fine as long as the husband is in front, leading the prayer. If the congregation is made up of females only, then it is ok for the female Imam-ah to stand slightly ahead of the congregation.
In situations where a mother prays with her children, the setup depends on who is leading the prayer.
In Islam, a child goes through two important stages of maturity—Tamayyuz and Baligh.
• Tamayyuz refers to when a child (around seven years old) can distinguish between right and wrong and understands the basics of prayer, such as wudhu, intention, and prayer actions.
• Baligh refers to reaching puberty, which makes a person fully responsible in Islam. For boys, this happens when they experience their first wet dream, and for girls, when they get their first period.
The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. taught that the best person to lead prayer is the one who knows the Quran the best. It was narrated in Sahih Bukhari that ‘Amr ibn Salamah al-Jarami said:
“My father came from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said that he had heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, ‘When the time for prayer comes, let the one among you who knows the most Quran lead you in prayer.’ They looked and they did not find anyone who knew more Quran than me, so they made me lead them in prayer, and I was a boy of six or seven years.”
This hadith highlights that knowledge of the Quran and proper recitation (tajweed) are the most important factors for leading prayer, rather than just age. If a child understands prayer and can recite the Quran well, he may lead as an imam. However, if an adult male who is equally proficient is present, he should lead instead.
1) If the mumayyiz or baligh son is leading
• The mother stands behind him.
• Younger siblings:
○ One younger brother (mumayyiz or baligh) stands beside him, slightly behind.
○ Two or more younger brothers (mumayyiz or baligh) form a row behind him.
○ Sisters stand with the mother behind the brothers.
2) If the mother is leading
A mother can lead prayer only for:
• Daughters of any age
• Non-mumayyiz sons (too young to understand prayer)
Prayer setup if the mother leads:
○ All the followers stand slightly behind her in a row.
○ She stands in the middle of the row, not ahead like a male imam.
Some of us might face some difficulties in following the Imam’s movement in congregational prayers. One instance would be the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah where there are those who might be struggling to complete their Surah Al-Fatihah, especially when we may find the Imam reading too fast. What should we do when we find ourselves in this situation?
As we are aware, the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah is considered an integral part of Solat (Rukun) and a Solat will not be accepted if one does not recite Surah Al-Fatihah in every raka’at of the prayer.
If a person (makmum) enters the solat (masbuq) when the Imam has read Surah Al-Fatihah and it will not be long before he proceeds to the Ruku's position, the person does not need to complete his Al-Fatihah. Instead, he should follow the Imam to proceed to the Ruku' position.
However, if one finds himself/herself falling behind the Imam’s movement after his or her first raka'at (i.e. second, third, or fourth) due to one’s pace in reciting surah Al-Fatihah, one should take some time to complete the surah Al-Fatihah first before moving to Ruku's position in catching up with the Imam2. One should try his/her best to complete one’s recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah before progressing to Ruku', especially in Fardhu prayers (obligatory).
On this note, the Imam should also be balanced and mindful of the pace of his/her makmum in the congregational prayer.
If one finds difficulties in catching up with the movement of the Imam, due to being new to Surah Al-Fatihah, or if the Imam is reading too fast when leading the sunnah prayers such as the Tarawih prayers, then he/she may follow the opinions of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam Malik bin Anas and the Mazhab Hanafi, stating that it is rather sunnah (commendable), not wajib (obligatory), for the makmum to recite surah Al-Fatihah in congregational prayers when following the Imam3.
We hope that this article enlightens our readers on how you can perform your prayers with your loved ones at home. May this serve as a guide in assuring us that we all can pray at home in congregation confidently.
We pray together that Allah blesses us with His Tawfeeq (Assistance) and Hidayah (Guidance) to be steadfast in learning Islam and to be consistent in our solat and in performing the congregational solat.
We also pray that Allah let us meet the blessed month of Ramadan to reap the benefits of this blessed month. Most importantly, we pray that this Ramadan will not be our last one. May Allah accept all our good deeds and forgive all our shortcomings. Amin ya rabbal alamin.
And Allah knows best.
Read: 5 Benefits of Congregational Prayers in Islam.
1Syed Mohd Fadzli Syed Ahmad Al-Yamani, 1436H. Tahsin Ibadah, pg. 34. Malaysia; Aslita Sdn Bhd.
2ibid, pg. 17.
3Wahbah al-Zuhayli. Fiqh Al-Islamiy Wa Adillatuh, Volume 1, pg 696-697. Syria; Dar Al-Fikr.