Finding Qibla Without The Use of a Compass | Episode 4

by Muslim.Sg 2018-07-23 • 2 min read
Muslim.Sg is a Muslim lifestyle platform that aims to deepen your understanding of faith, in collaboration with the Asatizah Youth Network (AYN). We are part of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis).
2018-07-23 • 2 min read

Salam #learnislamsg community! 💚

We’re back with a new Lessons from the Quran video.

In this video, Mufti shared with us on how we can find the direction to pray without the use of a compass, but our fingers instead.

One of the few conditions to pray is when it’s time to do so and when you’re facing the ka’bah. How do we go about it if we are unable to find the right direction? We should ask for help by asking around or by the use of apps. What if there’s no one around and no other way? Try. We should all make an effort to try. 🤲


Dalam video ini, Mufti kongsi bersama kami tentang cara mudah cari kiblat tanpa kompas dan Hanna menggunakan jari.

Satu-satu syarat solat ialah masuk waktu dan menghadap kiblat. Tetapi Ustaz, kiblatnya di mana? Macam mana nak cari? Minta pertolongan jikalau anda betul2 tidak tahu (guna apps, tanya orang etc). Kalau memang tiada cara lain, Ijtihad.


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