Ramadan Programmes 2022: Understanding Better the Third Pillar of Islam & Its Practice

Have you always wondered about the third pillar of Islam – Zakat? How is it different from other forms of giving in Islam like Sadaqah and Wakaf? To learn more, keep a look out for exciting programmes running this Ramadan!
by Zakat.SG 2022-04-09 • 7 min read
A one-stop portal on all things Zakat in Singapore
2022-04-09 • 7 min read

1. “Zakat SG” Talk Show on Suria TV

"Zakat SG" on Suria TV

9:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Suria TV

"Zakat SG” airs every Sunday and features a panel with an Asatizah and a representative from the Muis Social Development Policy unit which looks after Zakat beneficiaries and disbursement to asnaf Fakir and Miskin.

Hosted by Khairudin Shaharom, watch relatable case scenarios and learn alongside a Zoom guest audience and different guest celebrities each week as our panellists unravel frequently asked and confounding questions on Zakat with a different focus each week. 

Programme Schedule: 

  • 3 April: Zakat VS Sadaqah
  • 10 April: Zakat Assistance (schemes & programmes) 

  • 17 April: Zakat for Inheritance Monies 

  • 24 April: Zakat on Gold & Zakat Assistance for the Elderly 

  • 1 May: Zakat on Business, Shares & Insurance 


2. Short Film: “Ayah Saya Kaya”

YouTube | Zakat SG

Every year, Zakat Singapore puts out a short film to depict the stories of real people Zakat has touched, to allow the community to learn about one another, become motivated to share their blessings, and ultimately, to uplift the Singapore Muslim community together.

This year, we celebrate all units of families, and attempt to put into perspective, the prejudice our brothers and sisters face for their outward appearance despite being like the rest of us, individuals who work hard for the family, and contribute to the community via Zakat.

Watch the short film above and if it warmed the cockles of your heart, do share it on your socials!


3. SalamSG TV

Asatizahs on SalamSG TV

Launched at the height of the pandemic, SalamSG TV published and will continue to publish content to keep the community in touch with, and allow access to, religious content from our local Asatizahs on the go.

Subscribe to SalamSG TV YouTube and follow the Facebook page for religious content and stay tuned for the following Zakat videos for Ramadan!

  • Zakat FAQs ft. Ustaz Asysallehan Ali
  • Tazkirah (short sermons) on Zakat ft. Asatizahs  

  • Bicara (discussions) on Zakat assistance and disbursement ft. Muis Social Development Officers  


4. Fiza O X ZakatSG 4-Episode Mini Docuseries

Fiza O

3:00 PM

A special collaboration between Zakat Singapore and host and presenter, Fiza O, this Ramadan, get to know the wisdom and blessings that Zakat brings for those direly in need in Singapore.

Hear directly from Zakat beneficiaries, their stories, as they persevere amidst and to emerge from difficulty and poverty; and understand from Social Development Officers, how Zakat is disbursed and reaches segments of the local community who are in dire need.


5. Radio Warna 94.2FM

MeListen | Warna 94.2FM

On your way somewhere or have some time to yourself or with the family while waiting for iftar? Tune in to radio Warna 94.2FM at the following time slots:

  • Mon-Wed, 6:30 PM: Bicara (discussions) on Zakat disbursement ft. Muis Social Development Officers
  • Every Thu, 6:30 PM: Tazkirah (short sermons) on Zakat ft. Asatizahs

  • Daily, 7:30 AM, 1:45 PM, 7:45 PM: Zakat beneficiary sharing


6. Berita Harian

Berita Harian

Berita Harian (Print & Online)

Read in-depth explanations and discussions on Zakat from its wisdom to its practice by Asatizahs on Berita Harian. Also read stories on Zakat beneficiaries to learn how your Zakat has directly benefited them and the community at large.


7. Ramadan Mailer

Ramadan Mailer

From 6 April

Look out for the Ramadan Mailer which will be sent to all Muslim households!

You may find it helpful for Ramadan with guidance on Terawih prayers, irsyads (religious guidance) on fasting in times of the pandemic, and details on Zakat including, different contribution methods, applying for Zakat aid, FY2021 Zakat disbursement figures (unaudited), Zakat funded programmes, and the role of mosque officers and the Befriender volunteering programme in making Zakat assistance a holistic form of support for beneficiaries.


8. Zakat Singapore Social Media & Website

Zakat Singapore

Follow Zakat Singapore on social media for bite-sized stories and info on Zakat and updates on the monthly Nisab.

Visit www.zakat.sg, the one-stop portal on all things Zakat in Singapore, for more details on Zakat including,

  • Fiqh of Zakat – From the meaning of Zakat to Quranic verses and hadiths that speaks about them, as well as the eight asnaf (beneficiaries) and who they are in today’s context in Singapore
  • Zakat Types & Calculation – Find the explanation on various types of Zakat including Zakat on Wealth (Zakat on Savings, Gold, Shares, Insurance, Business) and Zakat Fitrah. Learn how they are calculated and use dedicated online calculators for each Zakat type for your convenience

  • Monthly Nisab values – Refer to current and past Nisab values dating all the way back to 1970 (to qadha’ for Zakat left unfulfilled). A Monthly Nisab Tracker is also free for downloading to help you track your savings to see if it's liable for Zakat

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