Article by Ustazah Zahratur Rofiqah
- 5 Books To Read About Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Rasulullah s.a.w. said “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people.” (Al-Mu'jam Al-Awsat) As such, we should put in our best efforts to spread love, kindness and strive to understand one another. And whenever we feel unloved, tell your heart that Allah is always there and He is the best to help you. What can we do when feel disconnected or isolated? How can we reach out and seek help? Tune in to this episode for an enriching discussion by Ustaz Fadhlullah Daud and Ustazah Zahratur Rofiqah!

It is normal to feel empty, stagnant and helpless especially in times of challenges. But here comes our faith in Allah s.w.t. that will guide us in moving forward. What is our purpose in life as Muslims? And what makes life worth living? Tune in to this episode for an enriching discussion by Ustaz Fadhlullah Daud and Ustazah Zahratur Rofiqah!


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Ustazah Zahratur Rofiqah
After graduating from Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah, Ustazah Zahra attained a Bachelor's degree and Master in Islamic Jurisprudence and its Foundation from the University of Jordan. She is currently serves as a lecturer in Pergas.