What are the qualities a knowledge seeker should have? Ustaz Khalid Rafi explains in this episode of #AYNvlog
Ustaz Mohammad Khalid Md Rafi
Ustaz Khalid loves contemporary Fiqh and actively conducts lessons and seminars on various religious and motivational topics. He is passionate about engaging the public through interreligious dialogues to promote mutual respect and understanding for a progressive community.
Ustaz Mohammad Khalid is an Executive Imam and Head of Islamic Learning at Muhajirin Mosque. He holds a Bachelor in Syariah from University of Madinah and a Masters degree from RSIS, Nanyang Technological University in Asian Studies, specialising in ‘Studies in Inter-Religious Relations in Plural Societies’. He holds a Bachelor in Syariah from University of Madinah and a Masters degree from RSIS, Nanyang Technological University in Asian Studies, specialising in ‘Studies in Inter-Religious Relations in Plural Societies’. He is serving as the Research Officer at Masjid Wak Tanjong