This Nasyid Song Showcases Sunnah Acts Of Love And Mercy

See examples of Sunnah acts in ‘Kau Yang Kenalkan Cinta’, a song dedicated to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
by Ustaz Muhammad Abdul Mateen Bin Hisham 2019-11-20 • 13 min read
Upon graduating from Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah, Ustaz Mateen pursued his studies at Al-Azhar University and graduated with a degree in Islamic Theology, specialising in Creed and Philosophy.
2019-11-20 • 13 min read

prophet muhammad nasheed

Praise be to Allah.

In celebration of the Prophet’s remembrance this month of Rabi’ul Awwal, we increase in sending our peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and emulate his teachings of perfecting our servanthood to Allah s.w.t. That is to fulfil our obligations and to continue developing our character the best we can. Indeed, the closest people to the Prophet s.a.w in the hereafter will be those with the best of character and those who send their peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. the most.

Imagine a community that fills their hearts with love for Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Every individual will, in some ways, radiate expressions of their innate love in their actions and interactions that will eventually shape a healthy environment for the society to live in. This is due to the fact the Prophet s.a.w showed us the highest level of moral values that a human can attain. Not only is this exalted standard of moral values witnessed by humankind but it is firstly witnessed by The Creator and The All-Knowing Allah s.w.t:

“Indeed, you are on an exalted standard of character.”

(Surah Al-Qalam 68:4)

‘Kau Yang Kenalkan Cinta’ or 'You Taught Us Love’ is a song dedicated to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. The Prophet’s teachings are an embodiment of ‘Rahmah’ or Mercy that entails love for The Creator and the creations. The Prophet’s life can be emulated by people from all walks of life. This is the miracle of his message that is meant for everyone.

In the video, we see a dedicated and responsible Muslim father who observes some acts of the sunnah that can be seen in different aspects of his life. Here are six sunnah acts that can be seen in the video.

1. Being a good role model

Syarif Sleeq following the islamic way of raising a child

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is the best example to his companions and to his people in its entirety. His daughter, Fatimah Az-Zahra’ resembled Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. so much that Aisha r.a, the Prophet’s wife mentioned:

“I have not seen anyone more closely resemble the disposition, mannerism, and characteristics of the Prophet s.a.w than his daughter Fatimah r.a.”

(Narrated by Abu Daud)

Parents are the role models for their children. It is part of their responsibility to teach them prophetic moral values primarily through their actions. This responsibility is as understood in the hadith:

“Every one of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges.”

(Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari)

2. Giving attention to children

Syarif Sleeq following prophet muhammad's hadith about child

The father displays an important sunnah of speaking to his son using a language that is understood by children, and that is love and mercy. He gave love and attention by playing the toy together, an object that is relatable to his son.

 In a hadith, the Prophet s.a.w spoke to a young child by the name of Abu Umair.

This young child was known to spend his time playing with a sparrow. Everyone else thought of this as a trivial matter, although it meant a lot to Abu Umair. When the sparrow died, no one took notice of it. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was aware of Abu Umair’s grief and gave attention to him. The Prophet showed us how he regarded things that matter to children are important as well.

Anas reported that "The Prophet s.a.w visited us. I had a young brother who was nicknamed Abu Umair. He had a sparrow that he used to play with until it had died. The Prophet s.a.w came and saw that he was sad. He asked, 'What is wrong with him?' He was told, 'His sparrow has died.' The Prophet then said, 'Abu Umair, what has happened to the little sparrow?'"

(Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari)

3. Showing mercy towards all creations

Syarif Sleeq feeding a dog like in islam hadith

In a hadith, the Prophet s.a.w once shared a story of a man who encountered a dog along his journey:

“A man felt very thirsty while he was on the way, he came across a well. He went down the well, quenched his thirst and came out. Meanwhile, he saw a dog panting and licking mud because of excessive thirst. He said to himself, "This dog is suffering from thirst as I did." So, he went down the well again and filled his shoe with water and watered it. Allah was pleased with him for that deed and forgave all his sins. The people said, "Oh Rasulullah! Is there a reward for us in serving the animals?" He replied: "Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being)”

(Narrated by Imam Bukhari)

This hadith shows us how mercy is extended to not just dogs but also universally to other creations, from animals to plants. In the music video, the father taught his son to be kind and offer water to a dog that they met.

4. Being a paragon of mercy to all humankind

A scene from the video depicts the father voluntarily helping an elderly man selling ice cream. He saw the elderly man having trouble with his umbrella and willingly used whatever was in his capacity to provide assistance.

Syarif Sleeq following Prophet Muhammad, Mercy to all of creation

The Prophet s.a.w reminded us in a hadith of the character of the believers, 

“The believer is friendly and befriended, for there is no goodness in one who is neither friendly nor befriended. The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people”.

(Narrated by Imam At-Tabrani)

Historical accounts of the Prophet’s life showed us how the Prophet s.a.w observed this hadith in a beautiful manner. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. would extend help to those in need. He was generous in nature and was known as ‘Al-Amin’, the trustworthy. The people of Makkah revered him and gave him that name even before he received the first revelation of prophethood. The Prophet s.a.w. emphasised the importance of being the best to our own family members. He would sit and eat with the poor even as a respected leader in Madinah.

When Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. came to Madinah, he ensured that security and rights were given fairly to every individual regardless of their religious affiliation. These are just some contributions of the Prophet s.a.w. He was indeed the best and most beneficial to people from all walks of life.

5. Striving for excellence in worship

If we are to reflect and contemplate soundly, we would come to agree that the greatest blessing is to know that we have a Creator who oversees us and is also The Most Merciful and The Most Compassionate. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. taught us how to worship Allah s.w.t in the act and manner that pleases Him. He s.a.w. achieved highest of status in the eyes of Allah s.w.t. His servanthood is summarised in this verse:

“Surely my prayer, my worship, my life, and my death are all for Allah — Lord of all worlds. He has no partner. So I am commanded, and so I am the first to submit.”

(Surah Al-An’am, 6:162-163)

In the last scene, the father takes his son to the mosque for prayer. 

spiritual excellence in islam

His prostration in servitude and obedience was then followed with supplications of gratitude for the blessings he in life. Along with these acts of worship, the son is seen following his father. 

There are narrations where Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was reported to be praying around his grandchildren and they would around the Prophet during his prayer. Indeed, children should be welcomed in the mosque and they should be allowed to experience the lovely environment of the House of Allah.

6. Expressing gratitude

islamic perspective of gratitude

The Prophet s.a.w is protected by Allah s.w.t from falling into sins or any immoral acts and yet he is also known to constantly spend a portion of his night in prayers. In a hadith:

The Prophet s.a.w would pray until his feet were swollen. It was said to him, “Why do you do this when Allah has forgiven your past and future sins?” The Prophet said, “Shall I not be a grateful servant?”

(Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet s.a.w pointed to us the immeasurable blessings we receive every day from Allah s.w.t and that as Muslims, we show our utmost gratitude with love and obedience.

Islam Praying with children

This can also be seen in the hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim:

Every day the sun rises, charity (Sadaqah) is due on every body-joint of a person: you administering justice between two men in dispute is charity, and assisting a man to mount his ride, or helping him load his luggage is charity, and speaking a good word is charity; and every step that you take (towards the mosque) for prayer is charity, and removing harmful things from the road is charity

(Narrated by Imam Bukhari & Imam Muslim)

If we are to reflect on the acts mentioned in this hadith, we will find them appear to be acts of kindness that each of us may come across upon our daily lives. In other words, for the blessings we receive, we are entailed to complement it with obedience through kind acts every day. What differentiates a normal act of kindness and an act that is also considered to be a form of worship, is good intentions for the sake of Allah s.w.t.

Throughout the whole video, we see a Muslim father who is a good role model for his son, where he performed acts of Sunnah. He emulates the Prophet s.a.w in expressing love and mercy to diverse people and creations.

May we love Prophet Muhammad s.a.w with the intention to follow his beautiful footsteps.

And Allah knows best.

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