by Muslim.Sg 2024-03-01 • 4 min read
Muslim.Sg is a Muslim lifestyle platform that aims to deepen your understanding of faith, in collaboration with the Asatizah Youth Network (AYN). We are part of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis).
2024-03-01 • 4 min read

1. Muslims in Singapore are expected to observe Ramadan in the coming weeks. In welcoming the blessed month, mosques and Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) have taken the necessary steps to enable congregants to have a meaningful Ramadan experience this year.

Prayer Arrangement for Ramadan 1445H

Tarawih Prayers

2. Mosques will be conducting tarawih prayers for congregants who wish to do so in the mosques. A total of 110,000 spaces each night will be provided at 69 mosques throughout the month of Ramadan. Dedicated spaces for female jemaah will also be made available at all mosques. The tarawih prayers will begin right after Isyak prayers. Qiyamullail (night prayers) will also be conducted at mosques during the last 10 days of Ramadan, and dedicated spaces for female jemaah will be made available too.

3. Apart from mosques, several supplementary spaces will also facilitate tarawih prayers, primarily catering to the elderly and congregants with mobility issues. Up to 31 mosque-affiliated Qaryahs will offer about 12,000 spaces each night throughout the month of Ramadan.

Ramadan Activities at Mosques 

Religious & Quranic Classes 

4. Several mosques have started refesher course on Ramadan via ADILplatforms. Mosques will continue to provide kuliahs (short lecture) throughout Ramadan, as well as tazkirah (discussion) and tadarus (quranic reading) sessions after tarawih prayers.

One-Stop Info-Service Site for Ramadan

5. For a holistic Ramadan experience, the Muslim community can visit to access information on tarawih sessions and locations, and other Ramadan related programmes and services (e.g. bubur distribution, spaces offered for breaking of fast) offered by the mosques. The community can also further their spirit of giving by donating to the mosques via this site.

Adopting Spirit of Mindfulness this Ramadan

6. Our mosques strive to be welcoming and accessible to all members of the community. ensure safety and comfort of congregants, mosques will continue to adopt best practices including only allowing prayer at designated prayer areas and allowing other activities at designated areas. Congregants who drive are also encouraged to car-pool to their destinations and practice social responsibility by not parking indiscriminately.

7. Our mosques will continue to explore ways to alleviate the Ramadan experience for our congregants. We seek the support and understanding of the Muslim community to continue to be socially responsible, to show kindness and support to mosques’ staff and volunteers, as we live the spirit of Ramadan together.


ADIL is an acronym for Adult Islamic Learning. It is an Islamic learning programme specially tailored for adult Muslim learners in Singapore.

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