How to Donate to Gaza, Palestine in Singapore

Support by donating to provide essential aid and relief to those in need.
by Muslim.Sg 2024-09-19 • 4 min read
Muslim.Sg is a Muslim lifestyle platform that aims to deepen your understanding of faith, in collaboration with the Asatizah Youth Network (AYN). We are part of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis).
2024-09-19 • 4 min read

How to Donate to Gaza

It has been tough seeing images and videos of the ongoing sufferings and injustices faced by the people in Gaza. Over one million individuals, which accounts for nearly half of Gaza's total population, have been forced to leave their homes. They require immediate humanitarian aid as they face challenges accessing clean water, food, healthcare, and sanitation.

How to help Palestine

Allah s.w.t. says in the Quran,

أَمَّنْ يُجِيْبُ الْمُضْطَرَّ إِذَا دَعَاهُ وَيَكْشِفُ السُّوْءَ

“Is it not He Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls on Him, and Who removes the evil.”

(Surah An-Naml, 27:62)

Read The Power of Dua in Islam.

As Muslims, we should show solidarity towards those who are in dire situations. Amongst others, we can contribute collectively in the form of making Dua. We can recite Dua Qunut Nazilah, specifically for the Palestinians and to all victims of unfortunate events around the world.

Read: Dua Qunut Nazilah.

Here is the translation of the Dua Qunut Nazilah:

Let us include them in our prayers in hopes that Allah s.w.t. grants them relief, peace, and security.

Beyond continuously making Dua for the vulnerable, we can also look for ways to provide humanitarian support, especially by means of legitimate charity foundations.

Read: 4 Ways to Respond to the Suffering Faced by the Palestinian People

Alhamdulillah, the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation (RLAF), a Singapore-based charity set up by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) in 2005, has launched a third fundraising appeal from 24 February to 6 April 2025, via online donations, collections at mosques and street collection, to provide critical aid focused on delivering essential health, relief, education and medical supplies for children and families affected by the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

Gaza Donation Singapore

You may contribute your online donations via the following platforms from 24 February to 6 April 2025:

a. PayNow:




Via QR code. Reference: “AIDFORGAZA2025” or Via UEN no. 200910530ZRLA. Reference: “AIDFORGAZA2025”

b. GivePlease:


d. Interbank transfer: Transfer to OCBC Current Account: 601313315001 with Remarks/Reference: ”AIDFORGAZA2025”

e. Cheque: Issue a cheque payable to ‘RLAF’. State on the back of the cheque: the donor’s name, contact number and indicate “GAZA 2025”. Mail your cheque to RLAF (Masjid Yusof Ishak, 10 Woodlands Drive 17, Singapore 737740).

💝 All mosques across Singapore will participate in this special collection through donation boxes. Members of the community can contribute their donations via these boxes which will be marked 'Aid for Gaza 2025'. Share this information with as many people as you can! 

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