Article by Ustazah Syariati Sulaiman:
- 5 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Lives
Loving the Prophet s.a.w. is part of the religion and a sign of our faith. We will beautify our hearts if we earnestly read and emulate the Prophet’s teachings, character and way of life. How do you express love towards the Prophet s.a.w.? How can we help instil this love in our children? Tune in to this episode for an enlightening conversation by Ustaz Aniq Faris, Ustazah Syariati Sulaiman and our special guest Marina Yusoff!
Need a revision on the steps of taking wudhu? Watch this video guide to answer those questions! Join Ustaz Abdul Mateen and Ustazah Syariati Sulaiman as they share the steps, meaning and significance of wudhu.
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