Sick & unemployed, couple hang on to each other to continue simple life

Stories of Asnaf: Support from family and community helped build resilience in him
by Zakat.SG 2020-02-27 • 6 min read
A one-stop portal on all things Zakat in Singapore
2020-02-27 • 6 min read

Afflicted by health problems

It has been nearly 15 years since Mr Badardin Abdul Rahim has been unemployed due to health problems.


Mr Badardin’s left leg is currently swollen and wounded, causing difficulties to walk or stand for long periods. One of the toes on his right leg has also been amputated. On top of this, the 60-year-old also suffers from cholesterol and heart problems.



This puts his wife and sole caregiver, Madam Maithin Mirah Abdul Kadir, 59 years old, needing to clean his wounds and change its dressings every morning. She too has her own set of health issues including epilepsy and had suffered a stroke attack about a decade ago.


Simple life

The married couple who are incapable of working lead a simple life in a 2-room rental flat with their only daughter.


"Morning, after waking up, I will have breakfast with her (referring to his wife). We make tea, coffee, simple lah. If there is bread, we eat with egg or make dosa (thosai). Sometimes we will also go down (to the coffeeshop), she loves eating kueh. 



"I can't walk much. After my wife changes the dressing on my leg, she will also clean up the wound and then I will rest for a while," said Mr Badardin, giving a glimpse of his daily routine.


Life before health problems

Before suffering health problems, Mr. Badardin worked as a security officer in a hotel for nearly a decade. However, he had to stop working in 2005 due to frequent foot problems.


At that time, he was staying in a 4-room HDB flat. Unfortunately, the flat had to be sold off as he was no longer able to pay monthly bills after he stopped working.


After going through various housing challenges, he eventually moved in to a 2-room rental flat in 2011.


According to Mr Badardin, in addition to rent and bill utilities, most of the family’s expenses are apportioned for his medical needs.


Zakat relieves financial burden


Thus, he is thankful for the Zakat he receives from Muis since December 2017.  


"There were people from Muis who came to my house about two years ago and asked me if I needed help. Alhamdulillah, with the help of Zakat, it has allowed me to buy the necessary dressings for my feet. 


"At least, in the month of Ramadan, we get to spend a bit more," said Mr Badardin.

In addition to Zakat assistance from Muis, he also receives monthly income from CPF.


A new hope

Through the help of Zakat, Mr Badardin was also informed of various mosque programmes held at the Masjid Hajjah Rahimabi Kebun Limau, where he had participated in several mosque lectures. He was able to go to the mosque with the help of his personal mobility device (PMD).


"I sometimes hesitate to go to the mosque. I went there on my PMD and then there would be people who give me money although I did not ask from them. I just wanted to meet Ustaz," said Mr Badardin.


He added that despite his condition where he could not walk, he is thankful that he is still able to go to places like Tekka market occasionally with the help of his personal mobility device.


"Alhamdulillah, the help of zakat from Muis allowed me to get medicine for my wife and I," said Mr Badardin.


Mr Badardin currently goes for biweekly physiotherapy at a daycare centre and is able to take little steps at a time.


May Allah reward him and his family for their resilience in trying times, and may He grant health and ease to them.  



Eight Asnaf

Mr Badardin's family falls in two of the categories of 8 asnaf who have rights over Zakat – asnaf fakir and miskin.

Asnaf Fakir and Miskin refers to one who has insufficient means of livelihood to meet his or her basic needs and the Zakat disbursement includes monthly financial assistance, special assistance during Ramadan, and supportive programme grants.


For more information on Zakat

  1. Muis Zakat website:
  2. Muis mainline: 6359-1199
  3. Follow Facebook and Instagram


Need assistance from Zakat?

  • Visit any of the Social Development Mosques listed here.


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