collections khutbah Managing Your Time Wisely
Managing Your Time Wisely

Islamic Religious Council of Singapore

Friday Sermon

12 February 2021 / 30 Jamadilakhir 1442H

Managing Your Time Wisely

My dearest brothers,

Let us achieve taqwa of Allah (s.w.t.) by obeying His commands and abstaining from all His prohibitions. May Allah (s.w.t.) bless our life on this earth.

My brothers,

Our lives are made up of hours, minutes and seconds. Every second of our lives brings us closer to our last breath which has been decreed by Allah (s.w.t.). When our lives are filled with righteousness, then goodness awaits us in the hereafter. However, if our time in this world is wasted away, then misery awaits us in the next life.

Let us observe the following words of Allah (s.w.t.) in surah Al-Asr that tells us about time:


Which means: “By time! Verily, mankind is at loss. Except those who believe and do good deeds and enjoin truth and enjoin patience.”

This verse tells us about a servant of Allah who is in a constant state of loss. However, a believer would not allow himself to be in this state and do nothing about his situation. He would strive to find opportunities and time to do good deeds. This is to ensure that his life will be filled with things that are beneficial, not only to himself, but also to those around him.

My brothers,

The amount of time that Allah (s.w.t.) gives us is limited. Therefore, in our efforts to fulfil our worldly needs and achieve our aspirations, let us not neglect our preparation for our next life in the hereafter.

When we are given the opportunity to bring ourselves closer to Allah (s.w.t.), we should strive to make the best out of it. We should also avoid wasting our time doing things that are useless and do not bring us closer to Allah (s.w.t.).

For example, when we perform our prayers, we must ensure that we do so in the best way possible in terms of concentration and movement. We should direct our focus entirely to Allah (s.w.t.) as though it is our last prayer. Amidst our busy schedule, take a few moments to remember Allah (s.w.t.), either through making supplications or reflecting upon His greatness and glory.

These efforts will not just benefit us in the hereafter, but they will also bring about a sense of calmness in our souls. Let us observe the following words of Allah (s.w.t.) in surah Ar-Ra’d verse 28:


Which means: “Surely in the remembrance of Allah the heart finds comfort.”

My brothers,

Time passes by quickly. Whether we realise it or not, we will be welcoming the month of Rejab. It signals the upcoming arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan. Therefore, let us together improve the quality and quantity of our acts of worship to Allah (s.w.t.). Let us also manage our time wisely, so we can benefit from what Allah (s.w.t.) has granted us with. May Allah (s.w.t.) bless our time in this world and help us spend it wisely, to get closer to Him. Amin. Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.

أَقُوْلُ قَوْلِي هَذَا وَأَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ العَظِيْمَ لِي وَلَكُمْ، فَاسْتَغْفِرُوهُ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الغَفُوْرُ الرَّحِيْمُ



Second Khutbah


الْحَمْدُ للهِ حَمْدًا كَثِيرًا كَمَا أَمَرَ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَن لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ سَيِّدَنَا مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ. اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَأَصْحَابِهِ أَجْمَعِينَ. أَمَّا بَعْدُ، فَيَا عِبَادَ الله، اِتَّقُوا اللهَ تَعَالَى فِيمَا أَمَرَ، وَانتَهُوا عَمَّا نَهَاكُم عَنْهُ وَزَجَرَ.

أَلَا صَلُّوا وَسَلِّمُوا عَلَى النَّبِيِّ الْمُصْطَفَى، فَقَدْ أَمَرَنَا اللهُ بِذَلِكَ حَيْثُ قَال فِي كِتَابِهِ الْعَزِيزِ: إِنَّ اللهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَـا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا. اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وَ بَارِكْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ.

وَارْضَ اللَّهُمَّ عَنِ الخُلَفَاءِ الرَّاشِدِينَ المَهْدِيِّينَ أَبِي بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرَ وَعُثْمَانَ وَعَلِيِّ، وَعَن بَقِيَّةِ الصَّحَابَةِ وَالقَرَابَةِ وَالتَّابِعِينَ، وَتَابِعِي التَّابِعِينَ، وَعَنَّا مَعَهُم وَفِيهِم بِرَحْمَتِكَ يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ.

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالمُؤْمِنَاتِ، وَالمُسْلِمِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمَاتِ، الْأَحْيَاءِ مِنهُم وَالْأَمْوَاتِ. اللَّهُمَّ ادْفَعْ عَنَّا الْبَلَاءَ وَالوَبَاءَ وَالزَّلَازِلَ وَالْمِحَنَ، مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ، عَن بَلَدِنَا خَاصَّةً، وَسَائِرِ الْبُلْدَانِ عَامَّةً، يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ. رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنيَا حَسَنَةً، وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً، وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ.

عِبَادَ اللهِ، إِنَّ اللهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالْإِحْسَانِ، وَإِيتَاءِ ذِي الْقُرْبَى وَيَنْهَى عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنكَرِ وَالْبَغْيِ، يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ، فَاذْكُرُوا اللهَ الْعَظِيمَ يَذْكُرْكُمْ، وَاشْكُرُوهُ عَلَى نِعَمِهِ يَزِدْكُمْ، وَاسْأَلُوهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ يُعْطِكُمْ، وَلَذِكْرُ اللهِ أَكْبَرُ، وَاللهُ  يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ.